Founders & CEOs

You’ve received funding. You are excited to grow the business……but it’s not quite the same anymore?

You are working harder, longer, neglecting your health, family and friends…’s less fun than it used to be?

Self doubts are starting to creep in, you’re sleeping less……becoming impatient with others?

Founders & CEOs Become Super Resilient

  • Foundation (10-12 weeks)

    Why weren’t we taught this at school? It starts with understanding the fundamentals of how our minds work and how to take back control of that voice in your head.

    3 x 121 sessions

    Access to coaching app. Gain knowledge. Apply it every day.

    7 x Weekly group coaching - become accountable and learn faster, together.

    You won’t be the same again

  • Elevate (6m)

    Now that you have the foundation, apply it every day and see how the people around you experience a different you. A better you.

    6 x 121 monthly sessions to help you elevate

    Access to advanced app for daily mind gym sessions

    1 x bespoke hypnotherapy / meditaition audio - perform better, sleep deeper, get rid of imposter syndrome… decide.

  • Live it. (12m)

    You have no intention of going back to the old you. Your growth is exponential and your business, family and friends are benefiting from the very best version of you.

    12 x 121 monthly sessions to help you live it. (swap 2 coaching sessions for 1 Hypnotherapy session)

    Access to advanced app for daily mind gym sessions.

    2 x bespoke hypnotherapy / meditation audios - perform better, sleep deeper, find your pathway to self-actualisation.

…it just works